Nice to meet you

Originally from a very small town in Oregon, I have taught at university, and practiced therapy in San Francisco, California; Prague, Czechia; Chetumal, Mexico, Hanoi, Vietnam. I currently live in Paris, France where I practice therapy and teach psychology at the University of Paris.

I place emphasis on self-reliance and self-discovery, taking the role of a facilitator to help you see yourself and your relationships in a different light.

I follow current research in the field overall, taking care to keep on top of all new developments to best help you. Staying current is guaranteed as it is imperative for my university teaching.


Trying my best to learn


University of San Francisco, California
University of Paris, Sorbonne

Bachelor's degree in English and French Literatures

Lehigh Univesity, Pennsylvania

Master's degree in Psychology & Counseling


  • Mindfulness in Practice Certification
  • Active Parenting Course Presenter Certification
  • Teen Therapy 12-18 Certification
  • Mental Health Therapy .


Get help wherever you are

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table

On top of face-to-face counseling, we also offer online therapy for anyone and everyone. Ask about our hybrid packages that include both in-person and online therapy.