Individual therapy

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This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

Individual therapy helps you to learn about yourself. I work through behavioral, communicational, thought and relational patterns. Therapy is useful when you need clarity on your values and overall direction in life, but sessions can also be used as a safe place to de-stress and work through trauma and other complex, unresolved issues. Since every person is different, I focus on tailoring our individual counseling to suit the needs and requirements of each client. The role of the therapist is to act as a non-authoritarian, empathetic guide. Individual therapy sessions offer clients a place to discuss things that weigh them down, from present issues to things from the past, or both. The first session will be mainly used to get a clear idea of your current needs.

48 euros per hour


Common Concerns


Anxiety disorder manifests in feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness, accompanied by sweatiness, restlessness, tension, and rapid heartbeat.

While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, people who suffer from anxiety disorder may find the physical and mental symptoms overwhelming to the extent that they can't manage their life day-to-day.

When should I call?

Your anxiety affects your daily life.

Your health is suffering from repeat anxiety attacks.

You're unable to talk to your loved ones about your anxiety.

You want to understand what causes your anxiety.

● You want to learn how to control your anxiety better.


+33 674535599